What's on My Mind Today...

Drip and Splash

I drip and splash --
Just like Jackson, I've been told --
Through the numbingly prosaic,
Blurred and blended days
Of my quirky little pilgrimage,
Entirely bare-foot and lacking any caution,
Across the blood-drawing shards of time.

Planning is anathema.
I stumble through the stacks
Of the virtual library of my mind,
Blindfolded sans equilibrium,
Then stop dead in my tracks
When the spirit moves me,
Regaining what little composure
I imagined however foolishly I had,
Then choosing that one thin volume high above me --
The one with the frayed green spine
And coffee stains on the cover --

The one lone book, I feel certain, that has
The emotional heft and singular power
To provoke me into action
And make at least nominal sense
Of the next fifty moments of my aliveness.

I drip,
And then I splash.
And drip and splash again.

And then I fold up my easel,
Clean out my brushes,
Don my favorite hat --
The one that can no longer contain
My ropey Repunzeling hair (not to mention
The headstrong turbulence of my murcurial emotions) --
And head out into the traffic-choked streets
Of the urban wilderness,
Moving less than carefully --
A brave and wreckless toreador,
Surrounded by chromed-and-lacquered
Pavement-pawing bulls
With raucus horns and glaring headlights --
And me, more determined than ever
To harness the relentless onrush of those screaming beasts
And that angry pride of internal lions --
Or perhaps even occasional bursts of contentment --
That invade my teeming psyche
And make me want to paint.

January 4th, 2011

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