One Path Into the New Year: Walking the Middle Bridge in Portsmouth...

Jan 1, 2011
Portsmouth, New Hampshire
photos: 13 – 17 MB
Public on the web

Each New Year's Day, which also happens to be my birthday, I find a beautiful, peaceful place to walk. This year I chose to walk the Middle Bridge on the edge of downtown Portsmouth, New Hampshire. The Middle Bridge, as everyone in the Seacoast NH/Southern Maine region knows, is in danger of being closed forever, so it is with more than a touch of latent sadness that we walk this magnificent bridge that lifts on command to allow water traffic to enter the harbor for both pleasure boating and nautical commerce. When exporing a site I'm more interested in the details -- the forgotten minutia which altogether form the larger picture -- than in the broader, tourist's-eye view of a site. This collection of photographs will show you just how detailed my approach tends to be. My walk was both a pleasure and a gift to myself for having made it this far in my journey on the planet. Allow me, then, to share it with you. -- Ross Bachelder January 1st, 2011

NOTE: Click the slideshow to go to Picasa, where you can view images larger and slow down the slideshow if you like.

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